Eclectic Herd Leads To An Assortment Of Artisan Cheeses
Beginning in 2009 as a community effort, the Vermont Farmstead Cheese Company (VFCC) sits on an 18-acre dairy farm in South Woodstock, VT. The herd of 55 consists of 25% Holsteins, 50% Jerseys, and 25% quarter mixed bred including Ayrshire, Milking Shorthorns, and Brown Swiss. All of its cows are registered. The herd averages about 60 pounds of milk a day per cow. The majority of its cows are grass-fed, supplemented with rations of dry hay and grain in the winter. Some of the eclectic assortment of cheeses produced include Alehouse Cheddar Cheese, Windsor Blue, VFCC Aged Swiss, a variety of Windsordale, Brickhaus Tilsit, Atomic Pumpkin Ale, and smoked Sriracha.
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About Vermont Farmstead Cheese Co.
Vermont Farmstead Cheese Company began as a community effort to preserve a picturesque 18-acre dairy farm in South Woodstock, VT in 2009. A passionate group of neighbors, who believed in the importance of regional food suppliers, came together to raise money to purchase the land, buildings, and equipment to maintain the dairy farm—all those people are still actively involved in the business. In June 2011, we produced our first cheese, and five months later, after refining our product, we brought it to the public.